San Antonio: (830) 931-1292 | Waco: (254) 224-6744 | College Station: 979-431-3992

San Antonio: (830) 931-1292 Waco: (254) 224-6744 College Station: 979-431-3992

Common Questions About Carpenter Ants

Common Questions About Carpenter Ants


What are carpenter ants?

Most ant infestations, while annoying, are not that big of a hassle to deal with. They do not cause damage, pose no threats to the inhabitants of the home, and they do not cause a mess. Carpenter ants on the other hand are known for their propensity to build their colonies inside wood, which can cause extensive damage to the home.

Are carpenter ants dangerous?

Carpenter ants are not dangerous to the inhabitants of the home. They do not sting, or spread diseases, and the real threat they pose comes from the fact that they build their colonies inside the wood of the home.

Can carpenter ants cause damage in the home?

Carpenter ants can cause thousands of dollars in damage if the infestation is left unchecked. Not only do you have the main colony which is constantly spawning workers and expanding, you also have satellites which will be built in new pieces of wood. Over time, this can add up to some serious repair and control costs.

What are the signs of a carpenter ant infestation?

Carpenter ants will make their presence known in several ways. The first and most obvious sign is seeing carpenter ants foraging around the home. Carpenter ants are quite large, reaching over a half of an inch in length, and they are black or dark brown with big jaws. Seeing one or two out and about does not necessarily mean that you have an infestation, but it’s probably best to stay on the safe side and hire a pest control pro to perform an inspection. Other signs include the presence of swarmers inside the home, or the presence of frass, a saw-dust like waste material that is thrown out of an active colony. Frass will be present near the base of an infested piece of wood.

How do you get rid of carpenter ants?

Carpenter ant colonies are generally removed using baits. Baits are insecticide-laced foods that are placed in areas with high ant activity, and these baits will be gathered and shared around the colony until they reach the queen. If the colony is out in the open, direct applications of insecticide may also be effective.

If you have any other questions about carpenter ants, or if you have a carpenter ant infestation in your home, contact us today and we will gladly help you out.
