Nysius raphanus, also known as the false chinch bug and grass bug, is an insect species that feeds on grass and other forms of vegetation throughout the United States, but they are most abundant in the warmer southern half of the country. False chinch bugs are widely known to be serious nuisance pests in residential areas where massive numbers collect in yards and frequently invade homes. False chinch bugs are known for their mass migrations to new areas where they inevitably become pests in yards and homes. These mass migrations are necessary in order for false chinch bugs to maintain contact with moisture, as dry spells prompt these insect pests to relocate to wetter geographic locations throughout the year. These insects are major yard and household pests in San Antonio and other populated southern cities where both dry and wet climate occurs throughout the year.
Once a false chinch bug population migrates onto grassy lawns in residential areas where they become household pests, they cannot be eliminated by means of area-wide pest control programs, much to the disappointment of affected residents. Even after false chinch bugs are sprayed with insecticide, the insects will stay alive just long enough to invade a home where they immediately die. On excessively hot days, when grass becomes dry due to drought, or after grass is mowed false chinch bugs congregate on fences, vehicles and the exterior walls of houses before large numbers gain access indoors. Once an area becomes infested with false chinch bugs, it usually takes around 5 years before they migrate to a new area. Generally, false chinch bugs tend to migrate indoors in response to hot and dry weather, and while infestations can occur throughout the year in San Antonio depending on weather conditions, the fall season sees the highest number of residential complaints concerning these nuisance bugs.
Have insects ever migrated into your home in overwhelming numbers?